Gustavsbergs Porslinsfabrik

The company was founded in 1825 and has been in continuous operation since then, under different owners. Last change of ownership occurred in 1996.

Gustavsbergs Porslinsfabrik products are manufactured in Gustavsberg, 20 km east of Stockholm. The factory has been in the same building since the 1940s and Gustavsbergs mostly use old methods in manufacturing and a lot is made by hand.

As the only porcelain factory in the Nordic region, Gustavsbergs manufacture bone china porcelain, ranging from full sets of tableware to customised mugs and plates. Gustavsbergs also manufacture pots and oven-proof stoneware. Gustavsbergs porcelain and stoneware are stamped with an anchor stamp similar to the one introduced in 1839 and the text “MADE IN GUSTAVSBERG SWEDEN”.

Gustavsbergs manufacture bone china porcelain and stoneware for professional kitchens, private consumers, companies, and museums. Tableware with personalised décors is a specialty of Gustavsbergs'.